h a t
I ’ v e
L e a r n e d
Rachel Cleaveland Riedy shares
tips on organization and making
small rooms seem larger.
It’s not once and done. “I’m always
rethinking the way I have things
organized. As things in your family
or household change, you adapt.”
Kids will follow your lead. Bins,
buckets, and shoe organizers “give
them a visual. When there’s a place
where everything belongs, kids are
more likely to put things away and
not rely on you to do it.”
Scale matters. Pieces with clean
lines, tailored upholstery, and
exposed legs have less visual heft
than chunky, fluffy, or skirted pieces.
Keep in mind that a sofa or chair will
seem bigger in a room than it does in
a massive store.
Ease into remodeling. “There’s
something to be said for living in a
space before remodeling. I learned
my needs and the flow of the house,
so I had no question about what we
needed and where it needed to be.” ■
B ooks are ea sy to grab
and e a sy to put aw ay
in th e k id s’ sh ared
b ed room ,
above left.
N eutral colors create a
calm m a ster bedroom
retrea t,
T opped w ith a thick
cu sh io n and p illo w s,
th e w in d o w sea t is a
co m fy place to read. “ I
th in k w e sit on our
w in d o w se a ts m ore
th an our fu rn itu re,”
R achel sa y s.
F o r b u y i n g i n f o r m
a t i o n s e c p a g e 1 3 0 .
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